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- Read the stem twice
- Consider the population and demographic data
- Highlight the positive features of the case
- Select your answer based on the key illness script / triad
- Use remaining answers to “test the hypothesis” – Do they fit the stem?
- With no negative marking, no answer == an average loss of 1/4 of a mark per missing answer
- You can almost always rule out several answers and reduce your guess to 1 of 2 providing an average 1/2 a mark
- When in doubt, take a logical approach
- Before you treat, diagnose, so, say a pregnant woman of unknown VZV status comes into contact with chickenpox… check serology BEFORE giving VZV IgG
- Exam writers usually do not write long distractors so if you have a 50:50 guess and one answer is much longer – pick that one
- You don’t run out of time on MCQs – you mismanage the same time everyone else had
- Read the stem twice
- Read the instruction verb
- One answer per line (commas, and, / … may = overcoding)
- Match your investigations to rule in/out you top differential diagnosis
- Write the medication as you would on a script (e.g. generic name, dose, route, frequency)
- Dose no longer required
- Consider the context – almost all of the things that are mentioned have either:
- a positive predictive value OR
- a negative predictive value
- carefully consider why the examiner added that key feature.
- If asked for 5 things, provide 5 (only) and 5 DIFFERENT things, from different pathophysiological groups
- Both UNDERCODING (not enough detail) and OVERCODING (too much detail) are punished
- Each KFP carries equal marks to every other so 1 bad question represents < 4%
- So, do the best you can for each question, forget it, move on.