Reflection – Gibbs Cycle

    1. Description
    2. Fealings
    3. Evaluation
    4. Analysis
    5. Learnings
    6. Action Plan
  1. Description
    • What happened?
    • Consider the context and roles of people involved.
  2. Feelings
    • What were you thinking and feeling during the interaction?
    • Did your thoughts or feelings impact the interaction?
  3. Evaluation
    • What was good or bad about the experience?
    • What did you do well?
    • What did you not do well?
    • What was the outcome of the interaction?
  4. Analysis
    • What sense can you make of the situation?
    • What were the challenges here?
    • Consider this the ‘problem representation’ step of the reflective process showing synthesis skills.
  5. )Learnings (Conclusion
    • What did you learn from the experience?
    • What else could you have done?
    • Has this experience showed you new learning objectives?
  6. Action plan
    • What might you try differently next time?
    • What will you continue to do?
    • What knowledge and skills do you need to develop from here?