AVPU stands for “Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive.” This scale is a simple and quick way to assess a patient’s level of consciousness. It consists of four categories:

  • A: Alert – The patient is fully awake, aware, and responsive to their surroundings.
  • V: Voice – The patient responds to verbal stimuli but may not be fully alert. They may open their eyes, move, or speak in response to spoken words.
  • P: Pain – The patient responds to painful stimuli but does not respond to verbal commands. This typically involves applying a painful stimulus, such as a sternal rub or a pinch, to elicit a response.
  • U: Unresponsive – The patient does not respond to any stimuli, including pain. They may be unconscious.

The AVPU scale is often used in initial assessments to quickly gauge a patient’s level of consciousness and guide further evaluation and treatment.