000-Office Based Tests

In a primary care or office-based setting, physicians have several tests and procedures at their disposal to evaluate and diagnose conditions effectively. These tests are crucial for preliminary assessments and can guide further referral or management. Here’s a detailed look at common office-based tests:

Vital Signs

These are fundamental for assessing the overall status of the patient.

  • T – temperature
  • PR – pulse rate and rhythm
  • BP – blood pressure
  • RR – respiratory rate
  • SaO2 – oxygen saturation

Cardiovascular Tests

  • ECG (Electrocardiogram):
    • Used to measure the electrical activity of the heart and diagnose various cardiac conditions.
  • Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI):
    • A simple test for assessing blood flow and screening for peripheral arterial disease.

Respiratory Tests

  • Peak Flow Meter:
    • Used to measure the peak expiratory flow rate, which helps in managing and diagnosing asthma.
  • Spirometry:
    • Tests lung function to diagnose, monitor, and manage conditions like COPD and asthma.

Neurological Tests

  • Reflex Tests:
    • Simple hammer tests to check responses that can help identify neural path issues.
  • Sensory Tests:
    • Instruments such as tuning forks or monofilaments are used to assess sensation in the limbs.

Musculoskeletal Tests

  • Range of Motion Measurements:
    • Using goniometers to measure joint movements.
  • Strength Testing:
    • Assessing muscle strength manually or with dynamometers.

Dermatological Tests

  • Wood’s Lamp Examination:
    • A UV light used to detect fungal infections and changes in skin pigmentation.
  • Skin Scrapings:
    • Collecting samples from the skin surface to diagnose conditions like fungal infections.

ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Tests

  • Otoscopy:
    • To check the external ear canal and tympanic membrane.
  • Rinne & Webber Tests:
    • Screening for conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Audiometry:
    • Basic hearing tests using an audiometer +/- sound booth.

Ophthalmic Tests

  • PERL:
    • Pupils equal and react to light
  • Retina:
    • Using ophthalmoscope examination.
  • Visual Acuity Test:
    • Using Snellen Chart
  • Colour Vision Testing:
    • Using Ishihara dot images
  • Tonometry:
    • Measures the pressure inside the eyes to screen for glaucoma.

Gynecological Tests

  • Beta hCG:
    • Screening for pregnancy
  • CST/Pap Smear:
    • Screens for cervical cancer.

Urological Tests

  • Urinalysis:
    • Tests for various substances in the urine and helps diagnose kidney disease, diabetes, and urinary tract infections.
  • Prostate Examination:
    • A digital rectal exam to assess the prostate gland for signs of enlargement or cancer.

Laboratory Services

  • Blood Glucose Testing:
    • Critical for diabetes management; can be done with instant glucose monitoring devices.
  • INR Testing:
    • Strip-based INR testing
  • Rapid Tests:
    • For Beta hCG, HIV and other conditions


  • Ultrasound:
    • Some practices may have ultrasound capabilities for abdominal scans or during pregnancy.

These office-based tests enable primary care doctors to efficiently manage many conditions and decide on further referrals or immediate treatments. They are crucial for offering comprehensive care, often allowing for prompt intervention which can be pivotal in patient outcomes.